Mar 11, 2018

Top Tips for Road Trips

Hey everyone!

     It's spring break season for a lot of my friends and myself included. When you're on that college budget buying plane tickets to an exotic location isn't really something you can splurge on. This is when you grab your friends, jump in a car, and go right? Wrong! You'll be miserable about 4 hours in and think "Oh my god. Did I really just do this to myself?" And the answer is yes. Yes, you did. BUT I'm here to help (obviously - why else would I write this?). Below are a list of things that I do for road trips that are help me out so I'm sharing them with you:

Leave early in the morning!

     Personally, I like leaving around 4 a.m. to get these trips started. Leaving at time that's not normal for my internal clock really shakes up your body to keep you awake and not tired. The best part though is that you get to watch the sun rise the whole time while you're driving and it definitely gives me a second wind of energy making me ready to take on the rest of the drive.

Wear sunscreen or long sleeves!

     The first time I took a long road trip there was no way I would have thought about this. But after being in the car for 13 hours, the whole left side of my body was sunburned from head to knees. You don't realize that you're constantly in the sun for that whole time! I'd recommend putting sunscreen on your face and wearing a light jacket with leggings for maximum comfort for driving.

Bring snacks, water, and caffeinated drinks!

     Some people like turning a road trip to their vacation into another vacation in itself. Not this girl. I want to get where I'm going and fast. I like packing a small ice-chest with sandwiches, fruits, water, and something caffeinated like soda or coffee. The water obviously keeps you hydrated but the soda gives you an extra boost when you're feeling down and can't keep driving. I also like bringing snacks in a separate bag like goldfish, gum, beef jerky, and granola bars. They're all easy to eat and don't make a mess or get your hands dirty.

Figure out where you're stopping for gas before you leave!

     I know my car can go about 450 miles or about 6 hours on one tank of gas. Before I leave I like to figure out where I'm stopping to get gas and take a break. So I go on google maps and see where the best/safest/most reliable gas stations or truck stops are along my route at each check point. This ensures that I won't run out of gas in the middle of nowhere and I won't have to stop anywhere sketchy if everything goes as planned.

Get your playlists ready!

     Listening to the radio while driving gives me a headache. I hate listening to commercials and finding a new station in range with music I liked is a pain in the butt. I have go to spotify playlists, audio books, and podcasts that I keep updated so I can stay occupied in the car. Jamming out with your friends is a great way to kill time! Or if everyone else in your car has fallen asleep it is almost like there is someone awake and talking to you so you don't go stir crazy. Over at texasweettea, Sarah just did a whole post on podcasts she loves. I definitely recommend going to check that out for some ideas! I'm a big fan of quite a few that she's listed.

Stay Organized!

     Making a list of what you want to bring with you is so helpful in making sure you don't forget anything. You really don't want to end up somewhere with a dead phone and no tooth paste. Keeping track of all your essentials (and non essentials) is a great way to help ensure you have an awesome trip.

Below is a check list I made that I think is super helpful in staying organized for your upcoming trip!
Examples of what I put on my list are a phone charger, glasses, and Jax's paperwork proving he has all of his vaccinations.
     This spring break my roommate, Jax, and I are heading to Colorado Springs to go hiking, watch some Air Force baseball, and just relax from our last semester at college! I'm so excited that I get to hang out with some off my favorite people next week and make unforgettable memories.  What's been your favorite trip? Comment below! Be safe and have a great spring break everyone.

Stay golden!

With love,

Mar 7, 2018

I'm Back!

Hey everyone!

Long time no see. Am I right? A lot has happened in the past 3 years and we'll get to that in a minute. However, I wanted to announce that I am reviving my blog back from the dead! A combination of internal screaming and clinking of champagne glasses should definitely be coming from all of you by now. Just kidding, but really though I am SO excited!

Now that's out of the way, here's a recap of my life:

1. I turned 21!

2. I'm on the fast track to graduation!

3 years baby! AND I get my ring in April. My degree will be in Environmental Studies with a minor in geology. My capstone project is about fossils so if you love dinosaurs - you know who to call. 

3. My Scoliosis surgery was canceled!
        I've been dealing with my back problem for as long as I can remember and it finally came to a point where my doctor recommended major surgery. After many prayers, the last appointment before my surgery proved to show that my spine had straightened itself by more than 10 degrees which placed me out of the surgical threshold. My surgeon told us that this is only the second time he's seen this in his 30 plus years of experience in orthopedics. God is SO good!!!

4. I got a dog!
His name is Jax and his favorite pass times include chasing squirrels and chewing on everything.

Drum roll please...


These past four years have flown by. I really still can't believe it. He's my best friend and I can't wait to see where this crazy life takes us. I love you, Tyler! ❤

Thank you for sticking through my life updates! I have a lot of ideas and directions I want this blog to grow into. However, I'm having trouble narrowing it down. I would love to get YOUR opinion! What would you like to see? Something to do with lifestyle, Air Force, food, or something completely different? Leave me some ideas in the comments below - I'll be reading all of them for sure.

Stay golden!

With love,

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